Can you guess what happend to my car? – Chain reactions

I was driving along on a normal road; I wasn’t going too fast when suddenly the alarm symbol on the dashboard flashed.  Look at the photo my mechanic sent me. Can you guess what went wrong?

These are parts of a sub-system in a combustion engine. What system is it? Can you name the parts?

Can you tell what parts of an engine these are?
  • What do you think happened?

I think that….   I assume that the…  I would guess that…

Here are two more photos to give you a hint.


  • There was a chain reaction which started with a bearing failure. What, do you think happened next?

First, the bearing failed, then the…, that led to…., which caused….

  1. For more about bearing failour check out 

Author: Navot Laufer

Jsem expert na angličtinu pro byznys a průmysl. Podporuji studenty na jejich cestě k zvládnutí cizího jazyka a jsem jim průvodcem tam, kde tradiční školní metody nestačí. Využívám své originální know-how založené na vědomí, že angličtina je nástroj, který potřebujeme, abychom mohli dělat to, co chceme. Můj příběh si přečtěte zde

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