Category: Uncategorized
Možná se ptáš…
Naučit se anglicky trvá několik let. Jak mě můžeš připravit na zkoušku tak rychle?
Představ si, že…
Teď už na maturitu nemusíš myslet. Strašák reparátu je pryč. I ty můžeš u maturity uspět a užít si léto podle svých představ.
Nebylo to ani tak těžké – stačilo zná aspoň něco a zvládnout pár šikovných technik a triků. A trvalo to jen několik hodin!
Listening tasks and how I deal with them.
For some students the listening tasks are the hardest. But if you know how they are designed and how to deal with them they are a piece of cake.
Here is how I deal with this kind:
Questions for Coronavirus time
When all but the essential has been paused we have a chance to think about what is essential.
Otec a syn – outdoorový týden pro otce a syny
Frodo had Gandalf, Luke Skywalker had Obi Wan…
Harry Potter had Dumbeldore, and I had Ram Lin. Ram was my class teacher and my sports teacher at high school. He was an officer in some elite unit, he also practiced an obscure martial art.
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Thank you LEGO!
My sons spent all day converting a standard V8 LEGO car to electric drive. Usually they just fight all day so I thought they’ll start fighting soon.
The mysterious black spot in my oven
I was warming lunch one day when my wife came in – What are your burning? she asked. I gave here an angry face, what do you mean?
Reinventing the wheel
Do you know the phrase ‘reinvent the wheel’? It means to try to improve something that is perfect and needs no improvement. Take the bicycle for example.
Can you guess what happend to my car? – Chain reactions
I was driving along on a normal road; I wasn’t going too fast when suddenly the alarm symbol on the dashboard flashed. Look at the photo my mechanic sent me. Can you guess what went wrong?
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What is Maturita na poslední chvíli like?
Lots of people ask me what Maturita na poslední chvíli is like. They want to know what I teach and what how I teach it. So here is a sample of the material I use in the seminar.
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Dealing with stress during the exam
Stress is the biggest problem for students during the exam. It was problem for me too. I tried many things, until I received a secret advice from an old lady who lived far in the mountains… it helped me many times, not only in the maturita but also in other exams such as entrance exams to university.
I want to share this secret with you.
Horor jménem nepravidelná slovesa
Pamatujete si všechna? Jak je to u slovesa keep? A weep? Nepravidelných sloves je tolik a tak špatně se pamatují! Ale opravdu potřebujete znát úplně všechna?
Ve skutečnosti nemusíte.
Jak napsat maturitu
Něco vám to připomíná? Vsadím se, že ano. Písemná část zkoušky je obvykle ta nejtěžší. Nestresujte, zvládnete to. Mám pro vás 8 tipů, jak se vyhnout nejčastějším chybám (bod 5 je ten nejdůležitější).
Take the kids to play in nature? Better do some learning at school. Or maybe not?!?!?
“Take the kids to play in nature? Better do some learning at school!!!” A mother once shouted at me. Her son was an extremely intelligent boy. He had many talents – creativity for arts and music, logical thinking for maths and science. He had phenomenal memory. And yet he had learning difficulties.
Can You Guess What’s This For?
I saw this at a friend’s house in Italy. I walked around for some time trying to guess what it was used for.
Queen of the road
We decided to go to Italy on holiday
I wanted to see Tuscany and Lenka wanted to be close to the sea. So we booked a place not far from the resort city of Viareggio in Tuscany. When I hear Tuscany I think of this:
What tool would you take with you to a desert island?
If you could choose any tool you want, but only one, which would you take?
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Jak vytvořit z vadného výrobku lekci o kvalitě
Prohlédněte si tento ventil. Vidíte, co je tam špatně?
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