Dealing with stress during the exam

Stress is the biggest problem for students during the exam. It was problem for me too. I tried many things, until I received a secret advice from an old lady who lived far in the mountains… it helped me many times, not only in the maturita but also in other exams such as entrance exams to university.

I want to share this secret with you. 

But before that here are other things you could try:

I have heard about students taking pills before important exams. This seems to me a bit too drastic, but you could drink some herb tea.

Many teachers suggest stopping, breathing deeply a few times. It never actually helped me, I got hyperventilated and got a headache.

In the speaking part

If speaking English with the examiner (your English teacher) is stressing you, try imagining them in a nightgown (this is risky though…)

Most important

Often we do not even know that we are stressed. We start just working too fast, we don’t think carefully and we make mistakes because of it. So, in order to stay cool, you must first notice when you are getting stressed.


In Maturita na posledni chvili I teach many more techniques that will help you during the exam.

And what is my secret?

The advice I got from the old lady was simple: I imagine myself smiling after the exam…

I wish you lots of success in the exam without any stress.

Author: Navot Laufer

Jsem expert na angličtinu pro byznys a průmysl. Podporuji studenty na jejich cestě k zvládnutí cizího jazyka a jsem jim průvodcem tam, kde tradiční školní metody nestačí. Využívám své originální know-how založené na vědomí, že angličtina je nástroj, který potřebujeme, abychom mohli dělat to, co chceme. Můj příběh si přečtěte zde

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