Tractor challenge

I have been teaching technical English already for many years. But, am I able to deal with technical issues or can I only talk about them?

Challenged by a friend/student, I decided it was time to put this to the test.

The challenge was simple – the drive belt in my tractor is broken. It must be replaced, but in order to reach it I must take out the radiator and lots of other things around it. Here’s what happened:

I made sure to take a picture of each part I took out so that I could remember where it came from when the time comes to put it all together.

First, I removed the front end cover.

Then came the battery:

That was easy! The radiator was a bit harder as there were lots of pipes and other things mounted on it:

The draining tap was clogged so I had to loosen the hose and clear it:

Finally, after about an hour’s work, I had the radiator out. Mission accomplished! 

So, I am not just a teacher who can talk, I am also able to deal with technical issues. I have proven myself to myself!

Now comes the bigger challenge of putting it all together again… 

Author: Navot Laufer

Jsem expert na angličtinu pro byznys a průmysl. Podporuji studenty na jejich cestě k zvládnutí cizího jazyka a jsem jim průvodcem tam, kde tradiční školní metody nestačí. Využívám své originální know-how založené na vědomí, že angličtina je nástroj, který potřebujeme, abychom mohli dělat to, co chceme. Můj příběh si přečtěte zde

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